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Recognizing your commitment on National Doctors’ Day

This Doctors’ Day — as we pass the one-year mark since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic — the importance of your work is clear to the world.

Thank you for your dedication to finding innovative solutions, especially while facing intense uncertainty in the early days of the pandemic.

As patients’ needs grew throughout the successive waves, your commitment to life-saving care has been outstanding.

You have made many sacrifices to make it possible. And, your family members and support systems have made sacrifices. Thank you.

As we look ahead, we have a sense of relief. An overwhelming number of physicians have chosen to lead with their shoulders by getting vaccinated. You are showing others it is safe and promoting vaccination in your communities.

Our work will be changed forever due to the pandemic, but our strength and our commitment to the patients we serve will remain unwavering.

You make a difference in people’s lives. Thank you for your extraordinary efforts – on Doctors’ Day and every day.