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National Healthcare Recruiter Recognition Day 2021

By Ariana Chestna, TeamHealth Manager, Clinical Recruiting

Happy National Healthcare Recruiter Recognition Day!

As TeamHealth recruiters, we are collectively driven by feeling that our roles connect to a purpose. The challenges that the world has faced in the last year have exemplified the importance of recruiting the right clinicians into each facility. Placing a clinician in their position ultimately affects each patient that comes through the door and is the foundation for stability and safety when challenged with an unprecedented pandemic.

These last 14 months have been proof that finding the perfect match for each practice goes far beyond just clinical skills. Understanding that the recruiting process is not just transactional — and the key to success involves relationship building, partnering with our leaders and being a trusted advisor long-term — makes for a great recruiter. Nothing of what we do is one-size-fits-all, but that’s what makes us special and energizes us to succeed!

Recruiter Resiliency through COVID-19

The recruiting landscape has changed for most of us over the last year. Like our clinicians, recruiters too have shown resilience. Most have willingly taken on things outside of their day-to-day “norm” and have jumped in to help another team or team member when needed. We have cross-trained into new specialties, taken on new books of business, and we have overcome what felt like huge losses. Sometimes, these things were uncomfortable, and it felt like wearing your shoes on the wrong feet!  Still, we prevailed together with common goals to take care of each other and our clinicians.

My hope for our future is that we continue to feel that sense of pride in what we do. Be mindful of the impact we have; revel in our accomplishments as we see the clinicians we hire grow in their careers; and make a difference in the lives of the patients they see. Express gratitude, be honest, work smart and keep learning from each other.

I want to thank all of our recruiters who tirelessly work to maintain the integrity of our company. We celebrate you today and honor the commitment that you make to our team. It makes such a difference, which does not go unnoticed. We appreciate you!

Happy National Healthcare Recruiter Recognition Day 2021 to all of the amazing TeamHealth recruiters!