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August 1, 2024

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Cutting Emissions without Compromising Care

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TeamHealth is dedicated to making impactful changes that ensure a better future for both healthcare and the environment. Recognizing the significant role the healthcare sector plays in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, Mihail Epure, MD, FASA, Medical Director, Anesthesia, has committed to implementing sustainable practices that not only enhance patient care but also reduce the environmental footprint at Ascension All Saints Hospital. This commitment reflects a broader understanding that healthcare providers can be leaders of change, adopting innovative solutions that prioritize the health of the planet alongside the health of patients.

The Environmental Impact of Healthcare

The healthcare sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 8.5% of the country’s carbon footprint. Among the various sources of emissions within healthcare, the use of anesthetic gases, particularly nitrous oxide (N2O), stands out. Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of approximately 298 times that of carbon dioxide over a 100-year period. Thus, conserving N2O is not only an environmental imperative but also a step towards more sustainable healthcare practices.

Enhancing Sustainability with Low Gas Flow Techniques

One effective strategy for reducing N2O emissions is replacing centrally piped N2O systems with individual tanks. Centralized systems are prone to leaks, leading to substantial amounts of N2O escaping into the atmosphere. Using individual tanks, Dr. Epure and his team will be able to significantly cut down these emissions. This method not only ensures better control over gas usage but also aligns with modern environmental guidelines.

Additionally, “We have implemented a second tactic: using low gas flows during the administration of anesthesia. This practice minimizes the amount of anesthesia gases released without compromising patient safety or the efficacy of the anesthesia,” he says. “While our initiatives are not entirely unique, they are timely. They mirror the current recommendations from environmental health authorities, emphasizing the urgent need to reduce anesthesia-related gas emissions,” Dr. Epure continues. These measures are essential steps in the broader effort to mitigate the healthcare sector’s overall environmental impact.

Ensuring Patient Safety While Promoting Sustainability

Prioritizing environmental sustainability in healthcare does not mean compromising patient safety. In fact, many eco-friendly practices, such as efficient gas usage and improved leak prevention, also enhance the quality of care. It’s crucial for healthcare providers to deliver the highest standard of care without conceding the well-being of the planet. Overall environmental impact can be significantly lessened by adopting practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as the conservation of nitrous oxide and the use of low gas flows during anesthesia. These measures not only support global efforts to combat climate change but also uphold TeamHealth’s commitment to patient safety and quality care. Striking this balance is crucial for the future of healthcare, where sustainable practices and patient health go hand in hand, creating a healthier world for current and future generations.

Reach out to us to learn more about our services and how we can partner with your facility.