News & Resources
June 3, 2024

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Empowering Veterans: TeamHealth’s Commitment to Mental Wellness

Featured Articles
By Scott Dickson, DO, MBA, Regional Medical Director, Northeast Group
Co-Chair, Veteran Resource Group


As we recognize Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month, it’s essential to shed light on the profound and often overlooked struggles that many veterans face in safeguarding their mental well-being. The experiences of combat and military service can leave lasting emotional scars, manifesting as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. These challenges can profoundly impact veterans’ lives, affecting their relationships, work, and overall quality of life. At TeamHealth, we deeply understand and honor the sacrifices made by our veterans. So, this June, on behalf of the Veteran Resource Group, we want to provide you, our veterans, with resources that are available to help focus on mental health. The National Institutes of Health state that “knowing how to manage stress can improve mental and physical well-being as well as minimize exacerbation of health-related issues.”

Insights from Experience

Having served during Operation Iraqi Freedom, both domestically and abroad, I witnessed firsthand the impact of stress and anxiety amongst our service members and their families. The constant deployment tempo that was in place during that time had a profound influence on the personal, social, and emotional well-being of all those involved, from the 18-year-old Airman to the spouse at home caring for the family. I remember well the feeling of helplessness while I was deployed as my wife was taking care of our home and raising our son without me. Fortunately, my wife was strong enough to ask for help and with a vast support of family and friends, we made it through. However, not everyone had that same experience.

We did our best back then to help, counsel, support, and comfort, but I realize now that we didn’t really have the tools and resources or the knowledge to manage these stressors like we do today. The stigma of mental health and its associated conditions resulted in significant underreporting and resistance in seeking help. Fortunately, today, that stigma is breaking down and we now recognize the significant impact that mental well-being has on our veterans and their families. Furthermore, we are able to treat and support our veterans through a vast variety of resources available today.

Additional Support: Veteran Resources

There are a vast number of resources available through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs related to stress management.

Uniting for Mental Health Awareness

All clinicians can relate to veteran colleagues; we often work in stressful environments, making it imperative to address mental health concerns. Let’s foster a culture of understanding and support, empowering veterans, clinicians, and administrative associates to seek help without stigma. Together, let’s amplify awareness, challenge misconceptions, and ensure everyone receives the care and support they deserve during this and every month.

Throughout PTSD Awareness Month, TeamHealth will publish articles that delve deeper into post-traumatic stress disorder across various populations and highlight the benefits of trauma-informed care.